Meet the Experts

Personal Growth Online Courses

Elizabeth Verwey

Founder, Grow At Your Pace

I’m a connector. Introducing someone to the right mentor when they are ready is my life’s purpose. I get excited about bringing people together in community. I find great satisfaction from nurturing groups of people to explore new concepts and topics.

I am also a serial entrepreneur who has been mentoring business owners for over 20 years. I’ve published two business books (The Mentors Circle and My Business Ate My Life: A Recovery Plan) been awarded four business awards and mentored thousands of business owners one to one.

I’ve also delivered over 500 workshops on small business topics. After mentoring a dozen students and a small army of volunteers, I have valuable information to share.

The time is right to curate an online learning platform that brings community together around experts who can teach skills that will enhance their personal or professional lives.

Online Mentorship Programs

Your Applause Academy

by Elizabeth Verwey

After a late life divorce, I founded Spoken Lives in 2015. I experienced profound healing in my life while listening to over 200 stories of resilience from women of diverse backgrounds. For a few years, I licensed other chapters of Spoken Lives and the social distancing required in March 2020 brought that to an abrupt end.

My chapter of Spoken Lives was the only one who shifted to hosting online events. I’ve witnessed other speaker and storytelling series come and go over the years and wished I could support more of them to continue to grow. I was able to mentor a few other speaker series to expand their offers and want to reach more people.

Spoken Lives pressed pause in 2022 to allow me to focus on launching Your Applause Academy. This 3-part course empowers others to 1) plan, 2) launch and 3) earn more with their own speaker or story telling series. You will find clarity, confidence and more cash from your series after taking this course. I expect a ripple effect as we can all heal through sharing our stories. There is so much room in the world for this important work.

Are you an Expert?

We are interested in speaking to experts who are developing or want to develop courses based on adult learning principles.

How can I get my course on this site?

These courses are curated by Elizabeth Verwey. If you are an established expert and want to build a course that’s learner based, contact Elizabeth directly to find out more about this unique opportunity.

We offer a consulting opportunity in a group environment to support you to create a course that is transformational for the people who take it. If your course is already built, we will require an audit of your course and will offer constructive feedback.

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